Solutions For Individuals & Families

Growth, protection and wealth conservation throughout all stages of life.

Estate Planning

A well engineered estate conservation plan can minimize tax liability and ensure that loved ones are protected. We will work with you and your other advisors to assess the impact of state and federal taxes on your estate and suggest strategies to help minimize those taxes while meeting your personal philosophies and family needs.

Wealth Management

Through Eagle Strategies LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company, you can work with us to guide you in planning for tomorrow's needs today while preserving your current cash flow. Based on your goals, financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment time horizon, together we can formulate an investment solution to help you achieve all of your short-and long-term wealth managements needs. Eagle Strategies incorporates a wide range of thoroughly vetted third-party investment managers who bring specialized expertise in separately managed ETF's stock and bond portfolios, and mutual funds, while providing access third-party wealth management programs. Every investment manager on the platform undergoes a rigorous due diligence process and it's monitored closely to ensure they continue to meet our exacting standards. We are, and continue to the committed, to building enduring relationships that help you achieve your financial goals.

Financial Strategies

Every successful journey starts with a roadmap. You have dreams for yourself, your family, and perhaps a family business. Whether your focus is on protection planning, preparing for retirement, funding higher education, caring for aging parents or a special needs child, transitioning a business, or creating a legacy for your heirs or the charitable causes you care about – A solid plan is the first step in any financial endeavor. Through Eagle Strategies LLC, we provide personalized financial strategies services that take our clients' overall financial circumstances into consideration. We employ a simple yet effective multi-step planning process to design and deliver a plan based our clients' needs and personal preferences. We work diligently with each client to identify and prioritize their goals, explore options, establish effective strategies, construct and execute a plan. Eagle Strategies also regularly assesses the performance of each financial plan and makes adjustments as needed – providing a truly personalized and nimble approach to financial strategies.

Asset Protection

There are numerous financial strategies and retirement income plans that can help you accumulate assets for the future, shield your business and personal assets from liabilities and safeguard asset transfer to children and grandchildren. We can help you figure out what the right course of action is for your specific situation and objectives.

Charitable Planning

Charitable planning allows you to support the organizations and causes that matter to you while often providing immediate income streams and reducing your tax burden. Numerous charitable giving strategies exist and we can help you design and execute a charitable giving strategy that is in alignment with your personal and philanthropic goals. Please seek tax advice from your own tax advisors.

401(k) and IRA Rollovers

If someone retires or changes jobs, usually they can take a distribution from their employer plan and roll it over to an IRA. The distribution to be rolled over will generally come from a 401(k), 403(b), ESOP, or profit-sharing plan. Also if a lump-sum option is available from a defined benefit plan, that amount is eligible to be rolled over to an IRA.